Red Wine Sangria

Sangria is one of our all time favorite drinks. It's cool and refreshing and has yummy fruit snacks to munch on while you enjoy it. We have put together one of our favorite red wine sangria recipes for you using Pacificana Zinfandel from our second Winc shipment (we will be reviewing it shortly). We hope you enjoy this as much as we do!

xxx Ivy & Eve


1 bottle of chilled red wine, like this Pacificana Zinfandel from Winc

1/2 cup brandy

1/2 cup orange juice

1 cup club soda

1 orange (cut into thin round slices)

1/2 Meyer lemon (cut into thin round slices)

1/2 lime (cut into thin round slices)

1 apple (sliced into 1/2 inch chunks

10 Maraschino cherries

2 tablespoons Maraschino cherry juice


  1. Slice and dice fruit and place all in a pitcher.
  2. Pour orange juice and brandy into the pitcher, mix, and let it marinate in the refrigerator for 15 or more minutes.
  3. Add club soda and wine into the pitcher and mix.
  4. Place pitcher back in refrigerator to marinate for 30 minutes or more. (optional step)
  5. Add ice cubes to serving glasses and scoop out sangria fruit as you pour.
  6. Serve! 
