
Lazy Morning Rituals With Splendies

Working five days a week leaves little time to enjoy your mornings. When we get to relax and take our time in the morning there are a few "rituals" we like to include....

  • Stretch! We rarely stretch in the mornings, our alarm goes off, and we reluctantly crawl out of bed. Stretching first thing before getting out of bed feels so good!
  • Good vibes. If you still need to set an alarm, set one on your phone that reminds you to enjoy and appreciate all you have. Ivy's alarm has hers say "Thank you for today" to remind her to be thankful.
  • Go electronics free. We are on our phones, computers, or watching TV so often at home. Take time to wake up without checking these things- maybe read a book, newspaper or magazine- you'll have time to catch up later.
  • Play some soft music or open a window and listen to the birds outside. 
  • Enjoy coffee. This goes for tea as well, but take a moment to enjoy it not gulp it down and rush out the door.
  • Appreciate that you are in no rush, and that you can be lazy and not get dressed right away-relax in your undies! 

Splendies is a monthly underwear subscription service. For only $13.99, you get three adorable undies each month! The service is totally catered to your taste, you can request certain kinds of underwear or ask for it to be a surprise! The quality is great and they have a huge selection of sizes. We love getting new undies every month. What girl doesn't?!

xxx Ivy & Eve

Thank you Splendies for partnering with us on this post!